- (Informant) Birth: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter registered the birth of David Law Paterson baker on 17 May 1868 at Youngs Land, High Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1868 births in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee ref 161; David Law Paterson, 1868 May Seventeenth 0.0 noon Youngs Land, High Street, Lochee; m, father John Paterson general labourer, Mary Paterson ms Findlay, m 1851 Feb 4 Montrose; John Paterson father present, registered 1868 May 28th at Lochee Jas Young registrar.1,2
- (Resident) Address: As of 1869, James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was living with James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter and 5th (1869 Lochee) Registration District Dundee at at 114 High Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
MARRIAGES.—Ist or St Peter's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office -224 Perth Road.
2d or St Mary's District—Alexander Leask, Registrar; Office, Ward House, Ward Road.
3d or St Clement'Jr- District—James Kinnison, Registrar; Office, 51 Reform Street.
4th or St Andrew's District—James Scrymgeour, Registrar; Office., 16 King Street.
5th or Lochee District—James Young, Registrar; Office, 114 High Street, Lochee.
Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m; and from 6 to 8 p.m. Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Registrations must he effected as follows, viz. :—Births within VA days; Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccina- tions within Six Months, unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the Parish of Dundee and of the United Parishes of Liff and Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow :—
Fifth, or Lochee District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh, commencing at the point in the Blackness Road where the Western boundary of the First District terminates; thence along the middle of Blackness Road, the road leading past Glenagnes Cottage, Balgay Street, Lochee Road to Union Mee; thence along the middle of Union Place and Looms Road to the Old Newtyle Railway; thence along the middle of said Railway to the Northern Boundary of the Burgh; thence along that Boundary Westwards and Southwards, to the point in the Blackness Road before mentioned.3 - (Registrar) Marriage: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was the officiating registrar when the marriage of David Blair Whittet and Marjory Miln Miller on Thursday, 30 December 1869 at 18 Lowdens Alley, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1870 Marriages in the District of St Peter in the Burgh of Dundee, #4; 1869 on the 30th day of December at 18 Lowdens Alley, Dundee after Banns according to the forms of the UP Church; David Whittet, Joiner Journeyman, bachelor, aged 25, 14 Mid Wynd Dundee; Father George Whittet, Ship Carpenter; Mother Margaret Whittet md Blair; Margery Miller, Jute Power Loom Weaver, spinster, aged 23, 18 Lowdens Alley Dundee; Father James Miller... in Carpet Warehouse; Mother Janet Miller ms Milne; Signed James R ... minister UP Church Tay Square; Witness Henry Chalmers; Christina Whittet; registered 1870 January 3rd at Dundee, Jas Young registrar.4
- (Resident) Address: As of 1871, James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was living with James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter and 1st (1869 St Peter's) Registration District Dundee at at 224 Perth Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
-1s t or St Peter's District— James Young, Registrar. Office, 224 Perth Road.
2d or Si Mary's District—James Anderson Registrar; Office, Ward House, Ward Road.
ad oi. St Clement' District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 51 Reform Street.
4t4 or Andrew's District—Finlay Macdiarmid, Registrar; Office; 10 KingStreet.
5th or Locke District—David Neish, Registrar; Office' 114 High Street, Lochet
Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m; and from6 to 3 p.m. Saturdays, from 10 amt. to 3 p.m.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days; Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations. within 6 months, unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the Parish of Dundee and of the United Parishes of Liff and Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow :—The First, or St Peter's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the bound- ary commencing at the point where the Parliamentary Boundary termi- nates in the River Tay; thence along said boundary Northwards till it loins the Blackness Road; thence along the middle of said road till it joins the Sconringburn; thence along the middle of the Scouringburn and West Port till it joins South Tay Street; thence along the middle of South Tay Street, and across the Nethergate and Southwards in a line with, and along the West Wall of the Roman Catholic Chapel to the Southern Boundary of the Burgh.3 - (Registrar) Death: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was the officiating registrar when the death of Marjory Miln Miller was registered on 18 June 1871 at 18 Lowdens Alley, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1871 Deaths in the District of St Peter in the Burgh of Dundee, #279; Marjory Whittet married to David Whittet Joiner Journeyman; 1871 June Eleventh 6h 25m PM 18 Lowdens Alley; Female aged 24 years; Father James Miller Carpet Warehouse Porter; Mother Janet Miller ms Milne; Phthisis Pulmonalis 8 months as certified by Dr Lyell MD F...RCS Edin; Informant David Whittet widower present; registered 1871 June 12th at Dundee Jas Young Registrar.5
- (Registrar) Death: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was the officiating registrar when the death of Jessie Miller Whittet was registered on 31 July 1871 at 13 Mid Wynd, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1871 Deaths in the District of St Peter in the Burgh of Dundee, #348; Jessie Miller Whittet, single; 1871 July Thirty-first 2h 0m AM, 13 Mid Wynd Dundee; Female aged 10 months; Father David Whittet Joiner Journeyman; Mother Marjory Whittet ms Miller, deceased; Hooping Cough 2 months, Chronic Bronchitis 6 weeks as certified by Dr Lyell MD FRCS Edin; David Whittet Father 18 Lowdens Alley Dundee; rregistered 1871 July 31st at Dundee Jas Young Registrar.6
- (Registrar) Marriage: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Agnes Brown Mackie and John Officer on Friday, 18 April 1873 at 11 Strawberry Bank, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1873 marriages in the district of St Peter in the burgh of Dundee, ref 66; 1873 on the eighteenth day of April at 11 Strawberry Bank Dundee after banns according to the forms of the Church of Scotland; signed John Officer, jute factory worker, bachelor, 34, 38 Wilkies Lane Dundee, parents James Officer floorcloth weaver & Barbara Officer ms Tevendale; signed by mark Agnes Mackie powerloom weaver widow of William Kinnear gardener, signed John Hart, John Crook, witnesses, 36, 1 Tyretes Land, Smalls Lane, Dundee, parents John Mackie farm labourer & Annie Mackie ms Gibson; signed John Hart minister of St Davids Dundee, signed John Crook, Margaret Gunn witnesses; registered 1873 April 21st at Dundee, Jas Young registrar.7
- (Registrar) Death: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was the officiating registrar when the death of Marjory Matthew was registered on 8 November 1873 at 18 Lowden's Alley, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1873 deaths in the district of St Peter in the burgh of Dundee; Marjory Milne widow of James Milne foreman jute factory; 1873 November eighth 9h 30m pm 18 Lowden's Alley Dundee, f, 79 years, David Matthew gardener journym (dec) Agnes Downie prev Matthew ms Patterson (dec), old age no medical attendant, James Miller son-in-law present 18 Lowden's Alley Dundee; 1873 November 10th at Dundee Jas Young registrar.8
- (Resident) Address: As of 1874, James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was living with James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter and 1st (1869 St Peter's) Registration District Dundee at at 224 Perth Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
—1st or St Peter's District—James Young, Registrar; Office, 224 Perth road.
2ct or St Maris District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
Bet or St Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 51 Reform street.
4t4 or St Andrew's District—Finlay Macdiarmid, Registrar; Office, 16 King street.
5th or Lochee District—David Neish, Registrar; Office, 114 High street, Lochee.
Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and from 6 to 8 p.m; Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to I p.m.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days; Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations within 6 months, unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the Parish of Dundee and of the United Parishes of Liff and I3envie, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow :—The First, or St Peter's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the Boundary commencing at the point where the Parliamentary Boun- dary terminates in the River Tay; thence along said boundary Northwards till it joins the Blackness road; thence along the middle of said road till it joins the Scouringburn; thence along the middle of the Scouringburn and West port till it joins South Tay street; thence along the middle of South Tay street, and across the Nethergate and Southwards in a line with, and - along the West Wall of the Roman Catholic Chapel to the Southern Bonn
dory of the Burgh.3 - (Registrar) Marriage: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Thomas Robertson Ford oiler jute mill and Margaret Ann Louden jute mill worker on Friday, 6 March 1874 at 5 Annfield Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1874 marriages in the district of St Peter in the burgh of Dundee, ref 54; 1874 on the sixth day of March at 5 Annfield Road Dundee after banns according to the forms of the Church of Scotland, signed by mark Thomas his + mark Ford oiler jute mill bachelor witnesses to mark Peter Grant, Jane Anne McPherson, aged 18 residing at 5 Annfield Road Dundee, parents William Ford coffee house keeper and Ann Ford ms Robertson; signed Maggie Louden jute mill worker spinster aged 19 residing 8 Horsewater Wynd Dundee, parents James Louden seaman MS (dec) and Ann Aitcheson, prev Lowden ms Weir [or Keir], signed Peter Grant DD one of the ministers of Dundee, signed Jane Ann McPherson, Helen Grant; registered 1874 March 10th at Dundee signed Jas Young registrar.9
- (Registrar) Marriage: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was the officiating registrar when the marriage of James Milne Miller Grocer, Undertaker & Upholsterer, Auctioneer's Clerk and Margaret Abercrombie Porter on Tuesday, 21 December 1875 at 16 Annfield Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1875 Marriages in the District of St Peter in the Burgh of Dundee, #208; 1875 on the Twenty-first day of December at 16 Annfield Street Dundee after banns according to the forms of the UP Church; James A Miller, Grocer Master, bachelor, aged 21, 166 Scouringburn Dundee; parents James Miller, Foreman Jute Works and Janet Miller ms Milne; Margaret A Porter, spinster, aged 26, 16 Annfield Street Dundee; parents Robert Porter, Shoemaker Master and Margaret Porter ms Abercrombie deceased; signed James R McGavin minister UP Church Tay Square Dundee; witnesses R B Smith, Jessie Miller; registered 1875 December 23rd at Dundee Jas Young registrar.10
- (Resident) Address: As of 1876, James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was living with James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter and 1st (1869 St Peter's) Registration District Dundee at at 138 Perth Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
—1st orSt Peter's District—James Young, Registrar; Office, 138 Perth road.
2d or St Mary's District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3d or St Clemeat's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 51 Reform street.
4th or St Axdreto's tl acdiarmid, Registrar; Office 16 King street.
511t or Loohee District—David Neish, Registrar; Office, 114 High street, Lochet.
Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to3 p.m., and from 6 to 8 p.m; Saturdays,
from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz.:—Births within 21days;
Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 8 days; Vaccinations within 6 mouths, unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner. o Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the Parish of Dundee and of the United Parishes of Liff and Benvie,comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow :
The First, or St Peter's District, to comprehend and include that portion ofthe Burgh within the Boundary commencing at the point where the Parliamentary Boundary terminates in rho River Tay; thence along said boundary Northwards till it joins the Blackness road; thence along the middle of said road till It joins the Scouringburn ; thence along the middle of the Scouringburn and Westport till it joins SouthTay street; thencealong themiddle of South Taystreet, and across the Nethergate and Southwards in a line with, and along the West Wall of the Roman Catholic Chapel to the Southern Boundary of the Burgh.3 - (Registrar) Death: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was the officiating registrar when the death of Betsy Hogg was registered on 28 April 1877 at 1 Well Road, Hawkhill, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1877 deaths in the district of St Peter in the burgh of Dundee, ref 180; Betsy Milne married 1st to Robert Mitchell carpet weaver, 2nd to David Milne printing overseer, 1827 April Twenty Eighth 1h 20m pm 1 Well Road, Hawkhill Dundee, female aged 54 years, parents William Hogg (dec) and Marjory Knox (dec), cause gastritis chronic 3 months as certified by David Greig MD, signed David Milne widower present, registered 1877 April 30th at Dundee Jas Young registrar.11
- (Registrar) Marriage: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Jane Westwood and David Milne on Monday, 18 June 1877 at 76 Annfield Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1877 marriages in the district of St Peter in the burgh of Dundee ref 93, 1877 on the Eighteen th day of June at 76 Annfield Road after banns according to the forms of the UP Church, signed David Milne winding overseer widower 1st of Mary Ann Cairns 2nd of Elizabeth Hogg, age 5[2?] Well Road Hawkhill Dundee, parents James Milne overseer jute work dec and Marjory Milne ms Matthew (dec), and Jane her + mark Westwood spinner flax mill spinster signature John Gregory, Jessie Taylor witnesses, aged 51, 17 Annfield Road Dundee, parents Gilbert Westwood tile cutter (dec) and Janet Westwood ms Low (dec), signed John Taylor minister West Port UP Church, signed Arthur McGurk, Jean McGurk witnesses, registered 1877 June 20th at Dundee Jas Young registrar.12
- (Resident) Address: As of 1878, James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was living with James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter and 1st (1869 St Peter's) Registration District Dundee at at 138 Perth Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
—1st or St Peter's District—James Young, Registrar Office, 138 Perth road.
2d or St lietry's District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
Lid or & Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 26 Euclid ,crescent.
4th or kit Andrew's .Distriet—Fin.lay Macdiarmid, Registrar; Office. 16 King street.
5th or Locleee Distriet—Davld Neish, Registrar ; Office, 114 High street,
Locbee. Office flours, from 10 a.m. to S p.m., aud from 6 to 8 p.m; Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Registrations must he effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days;
Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations within 6 months, unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the Parish of Dundee and of the United Parishes of Lill and Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow
1—The First, or St Peter's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the Boundary commencing at the point where the Parliamentary Boun- dary terminates in the River Tay; thence along said boundary Northwards till it joins the Blackness road; thence along the middle of said road till it joins the Sconringburn ; thence along the middle of the Sconringlnirn and West port till it joins South Tay street; thence along the middle of South Tay street, and across the Nethergate and Southwards in a line with, and along the West Wall of the Roman Catholic Chapel to the Southern Boun- dary of the Burgh.3 - (Registrar) Birth: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was the officiating registrar when the birth of John Ford jute fabric broker was registered on 30 July 1878 at 4 Temple Lane, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1878 births in the district of St Peter in the burgh of Dundee, ref 604; John Ford born 1878 July Thirtieth 0h 0m noon at 4 Temple Lane, males, parents Thomas Sim Ford carter contractor and Jane Ford ms Caldwell married 1878 July 18th Dundee, signed Thomas Sinm Ford father present, regstered 1878 Sugust 6th at Dundee signed Jas Young registrar.13
- (Resident) Address: As of 1880, James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was living with James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter and 1st (1869 St Peter's) Registration District Dundee at at 138 Perth Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
1st or St Peter's District—James Young, Registrar; Office 138 Perth road.
2d or Si Mary's District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3rd or St Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 26 Euclid crescent.
4th or St Andrew's District—Flulay Ilacdiarraid, Registrar; Office, 16 King street.
5th or Locliee District—John Robertson, Registrar; Offiee, 62 High street, Lochee.
Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and from 6 to 7 p.m; Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz:—Births within 21 days ; Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 8 days; Vaccinations within 6 months; unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the Parish of Dundee and of the United Parishes of Liff arid Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow
The First, or St Peter's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the Boundary commencing at the point where the Parliamentary Boundary on the west terminates in the River Tay; thence along said boundary Northwards till it joins the Blackness road; thence along the middle of said road till it joins the Seouringbern • thence along the middle of the Sconritigburn and Westport till it joins South Tay street; theme along the middle of South Tay. street, and across the Nethergate and Southwards in a line with, and along the West Wall of the Roman Catholic Chapel to the Seuthern Boundary of the Burgh.3 - (Registrar) Birth: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was the officiating registrar when the birth of David Waterston was registered on 12 February 1881 at 136 Blackness Road, St Peter, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1881 births in the district of St Peter in the burgh of Dundee, ref 174; David Waterston (illegitimate) born 1881 February Twelfth 6h 30m am at 136 Blackness Road Dundee, male, mother Mary Waterston jute weaver, signed Mary Waterston mother, registered 1881 March 8th at Dundee signed Jas Young registrar.14
- (Resident) Address: As of 1882, James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was living with James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter and 1st (1869 St Peter's) Registration District Dundee at at 138 Perth Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
1st or St Peter's.District—James Young, Registrar; Office, 138 Perth road.
2d or St Mary's District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
31 or St Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office 26 Euclid crescent.
4th or St Andrew's Distrirt—Finlay Maccliannid, Registrar; Office, 16 King street.
51h, or Lochee District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 High street, Lochee.
Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and from 6 to 7 p.m; Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days;: Deaths within S days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations within 6' months; unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages those portions of the parish of Dundee and of the united parishes of Liff and Marriages, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow
:—The First, or St Peters District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the Boundary commencing at the point where the Parliamentary Boundary on the west terminates in the River Tay; thence along said boundary Northwards till it joins the Blackness road; thence along the middle of said road till it joins the Scouringburn' • thence along the middle of the Scouringburn and Westport till it joins South Tay street; thence along the middle of South Tay street, and across the Nethergate and Southwards in a line with and along the West Wall of the Roman Catholic Chapel to the Southern Boundary of the Burgh.3 - (Registrar) Marriage: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was the officiating registrar when the marriage of James Bowman Masterton and Joann Kinnear on Monday, 1 January 1883 at 17 Springfield, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1883 marriages in the district of St Peer in the burgh of Dundee, ref 25; 1883 on the First day of January at 17 Springfield Dundee after banns according to the forms of the U P Church; signed James Masterton ship rivitter bachelor, aged 27, 17 Watson Street Dundee, parents William Masterton labourer (dec) and Mary Ann Masterton prev Duncan ms Blair; signed Joan Kinnear jute weaver spinster, aged 21, 60 Watson Terrace Dundee; parents Mary Kinnear aftrewards married to John Crichton marine engineer & alos to James Mill carpenter; signed James Wilson minister, signed William Bisset witness, Isabella Philip witness; registered 1883 January 6th at Dundee Jas Young registrar.15
- (Resident) Address: As of 1884, James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was living with James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter and 1st (1869 St Peter's) Registration District Dundee at at 146 Perth Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
lst or Bt Peter's District—James Young, Registrar; Office 146 Perth road.
2d or St Marp's Distriet---James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3d or St Clement's Districl—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 16 Bank street
4th. or St Andrew's District—Finlay Macdiarmid, Registrar; Office, 16 King street.
5th, or Lochee _District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 High
street, Loohee.
Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., arid from 6 to 7 p.m; Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days; Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations within 6 1#1 months; unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
REGISTRATION D/STRIOTS. For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the parish of Dundee and of N the united parishes of Liff and Benvic, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow
The First, or cl St Peter's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within 1,11 the Boundary commencingat the point where the Parliamentary I3oundary on the It west terminates in the River Tay; thence along said boundary Northwards till it n joins the Blackness road; thence along the middle of said road till it joins the a Seouringhunt; thence along the middle of the Scouringburn and Westport till p It joins South Tay street; thence along the middle of South Tay street, and across the Nethergate and Southwards in a line with and along the West Wall s, of the Roman Catholic Chapel to the Southern Boundary of the Burgh.3 - (Registrar) Death: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was the officiating registrar when the death of Alexander Nicoll was registered on 5 January 1884 at 88 Annfield Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1884 deaths in the district of St Peter in the burgh of Dundee; Alexander Nicoll janitor widower of Elizabeth Roberts; 1884 found dead January fifth 1h 0m pm 88 Annfield Road Dundee; m aged 68 years; parents William Nicoll weaver (dec) Isabella Nicoll ms Ellis (dec); cause cut throat as cert by C Templeman MB; signed DR Nicoll son and inmate, registered 1884 January 7th at Dundee signed Jas Young registrar.16
- (Registrar) Birth: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was the officiating registrar when the birth of Agnes Fisher Miller was registered on 12 November 1884 at 134 Blackness Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1884 births in the district of St Peter in the burgh of Dundee, ref 930; Agnes Fisher Miller, 1884 November Twelfth 5h 45m am 134 Blackness Road, female parents William Miller jute powerloom tenter and Marion McKenzie Miller ms Conway, m 1883 December 21st Dundee; signed William Miller father present; registered 1884 November 26th at Dundee Jas Young registrar.17
- (Resident) Address: As of 1885, James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was living with James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter and 1st (1869 St Peter's) Registration District Dundee at at 146 Perth Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
lst or Peter's District—James Young, Registrar; Office 146 Perth road.
2d or Mary's _District--James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3d & or St Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar • Office, 16 Bank street.
4th or St Andrew's District—Finlay Macdiarmid, Registrar; Office, 16 King ;street.
5th or Lochee District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 High 'street, Lochee.
Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., and from 6 to 7 p.m; Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days ; Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations within 6 months; unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical , Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the parish of Dundee and of .* 'the united parishes of Lift and Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries of :the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow
The First, or .-St Peter's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the Boundary commencing at the point where the Parliamentary Boundary on the „west terminates in the River Tay, thence along said boundary Northwards till it joins the Blackness road; thence along the middle of said road till it joins the Scouringburn; thence along the middle of the Scourin,ginirn and Westport till 't joins South Tay street; thence along the middle of South Tay street, and ,1 -across the Nethergate and Southwards in a line with and along the West Wall :of the Roman Catholic Chapel to the Southern Boundary of the Burgh.3 - (Resident) Address: As of 1886, James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was living with James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter and 1st (1869 St Peter's) Registration District Dundee at at 146 Perth Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
1st or St Peter's .District—James Young, Registrar • Office, 1.46 Perth road.
2d or St Mary's District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3rd or St Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 16 Bank street.
4th Or St Andrew's District,---Finlay Macdiartnid, Registrar; Office, 16 King street.
5th -or Lochee District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 High street, Lochee.
Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 .m., and from 6 to 7 .m; Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days; Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 clays; Vaccinations within 6 months; unless certificate of ostonement be granted by a qualified medical practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages those portions of the parish of Dundee and of the united parishes of Liff and Marriages, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow
The First, or St Peter's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the Bounclery com mencing at the point where the Parliamentary Ron clary on the west terminates in the River Tay; thence along said boundary Northwards till it loins the Blackness road; thence along the middle of said road till it joins the Scomingburn; thence along the middle of the Scouringburn and Westport till it joins South Tay street; thence along the middle of South Tay street, and across the Netherga.te and Southwards in a line with and along the West Wall of the Roman Catholic Chapel to the Southern Boundary of the Burgh.3 - (Resident) Address: As of 1887, James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was living with James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter and 1st (1869 St Peter's) Registration District Dundee at at 146 Perth Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
le Or" St Peter's Distrkt—James Young, Registrar ; Office, 146 Perth road.
2c1 os St Mary's District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3dIi or st Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar;Office, 16 Bank street.,0
4th or St Andl.eds District—Finlay Macdiarmid, Registrar, Office, 16 King • street.
5th or Loam District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 High street, Lochee.
Office Flours, from 10 a.m. to 3 pan., and from 6 to 7 p.m, ' Saturdays from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 rktys Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations within 4 months; unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical' Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration oiç. Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the parish of Dundee and o1!-1 the united parishes of Liff and Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow
The First, or. St Peter's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the Boundary commencing at the point where the Parliamentary Boundary on the west terminates in the River Tay; thence along said boundary Northwards till joins the Blackness road; thence along the middle of said road till it joins the Souringburn•' thence alono•. the middle of the Scouringburu and Westport tilt it joins South Tay street- thence along the middle of South Tay street, and' across the Nethergate and Southwards in a line with and along the West Wal of the Roman Catholic Chapel to the Southern Boundary of the Burgh.3 - (Resident) Address: As of 1888, James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was living with James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter and 1st (1869 St Peter's) Registration District Dundee at at 146 Perth Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
1st ot St Peter's District—James Young, Registrar • Office, 146 Perth road.
2d St Mary's District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3rd or St Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 16 Bank stree
4t16 or St Andrew's District—Finlay Macdiarmid, Registrar; Office, 16 • street.
5th or Lochee District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 Hi street, Lochee.
Office hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and from 6 to 7 p.m. Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 clays; Vaccinations within months; unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medic& Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of thi- marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration ol Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the parish of Dundee and o: the united parishes of Liff and Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries 0: he 13ur00•11 of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow
The First, or t Peter's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within he Boundary commencing at the point where the Parliamentary Boundary on the eat terminates in the River Tay ;thence along said boundary Northwards till it obis the Blackness road; thence along the middle of said road till it joins the couringburn; thence alono.b the middle of the Scouringburn and Westport till r t joins South Tay street; thence along the middle of South Tay street, and oss the Nethercra,te and Southwards in a line with and along the West Wall the Roman Catholic Chapel to the Southern Boundary of the Burgh.3 - (Registrar) Marriage: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was the officiating registrar when the marriage of John Dickson cloth inspector and Eliza Jane McManus jute spinner on Monday, 2 January 1888 at 2 Windsor Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1888 on the second day of January at 2 Windsor Street, Dundee after publication according to the forms of the Church of Scotland; Groom : signed John Dickson, labourer Jute Worker (bachelor), aged 18, 26 Lowdens Alley, Dundee, Father Alexander Dickson, shoemaker, Mother Margaret Dickson ms Chalmers; Bride : signed Eliza Jane McManus, Jute Spinner (Spinster), aged 18, 15 Lowdens Alley, Dundee, Father Patrick McManus, shipstower (deceased), Mother Catherine McManus ms Madden; signed Andrew Rutherford BD minister of St Thomas Church, Dundee; witnesses signed Jas Turnbull, Catherine Crawford; reg 1888 January 4th at Dundee Jas Young, registrar.18
- (Resident) Address: As of 1889, James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was living with James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter and 1st (1869 St Peter's) Registration District Dundee at at 146 Perth Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
lst or St Peter's District—James Young, Registrar; Office, 146 Perth road.
2d or St Mary's District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3d or St Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 16 Bank street.
4th or St Andrew's District—Finlay Macdiarmid, Registrar; Office, 16 King street.
5th or Locke District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 High street, Lochee.
Office hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and from 6 to 7 p.m; Saturdays from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 clays; Deaths within 8 (lays; Marriages within 3 (lays; Vaccinations within 6 months; unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, awl Marriages those portions of the parish of Dundee and of the united parishes of Liff and Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow :—
The First, or St Peter's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the Boundary commencing at the point where the Parliamentary Boundary on the west terminates in the River Tay; thence along said boundary Northwards till it joins the Blackness road; thence along the middle of said road till it joins the Scouringburn; thence along the middle of the Scouringburn and Westport till it joins South Tay street; thence along the middle of South Tay street, and across the Nethergate and Southwards in a line with and along the West Wall of the Roman Catholic Chapel to the Southern Boundary of the Burgh.3 - (Resident) Address: As of 1890, James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was living with James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter and 1st (1869 St Peter's) Registration District Dundee at at 146 Perth Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
1st or ' St Peter's District—James Young, Registrar; Offiee, 146 Perth road.
2si o St Mary's District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3rd or St Clentent's. District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 16 Bank street
4tA or St Andrew's District—Finlay Maediannid, Registrar; Office, 16 King street.
5th or Lochee District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 High street, Lochee.
Office hours, from 10 a,m. to 3 p.m., and from 6 to 7 p.m. Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must he effected as follows, viz. :---Births within 21 days Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations within t months—rnaless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medics:. Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of ha, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the parish of Dundee and of wilted parishes of Liff and Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries of e Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow :—
The First, or t Peter's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within e Boundary commeneingat the point where the ParliamentaryBoundary on the est terminates in the River Tay; thence along said boundary Northwards till it ins the Blackness road; thence along the middle of said road till it joins the uringburn; thence along the middle of the Scouringburn and Westport till t joins South Tay street; thence along the middle of South Tay street, and oss the Nethergate and Southwards in a line with and along the West Wall the Roman Catholic Chapel to the Southern Boundary of the Burgh.3 - Address: As of 1891, James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter and 1st (1869 St Peter's) Registration District Dundee lived at 146 Perth Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
1st or St Peter's District—James Young, Registrar; Office, 146 Perth road.
2d or St Marys District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3d or St Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 16 Bank street.
4th, or St Andrew's District—Finlay Macdiaxmid, Registrar; Office, 16 King street.
5th, or Lochee District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 High
street, Lochee.
Office hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and from 6 to 7 p.m;
Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days;
Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations within 6 mouths—unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of
Births, Deaths, and Marriages those portions of the parish of Dundee and of comprehended within the boundaries of the united parishes of Liff the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow :—
The First, or St Peter's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the Boundary commencing at the point where the Parliamentary Boundary on the west terminates in the River Tay; thence along said boundary Northwards till it joins the Blackness road; thence along the middle of said road till it joins the Scouringburn thence along the middle of the Scouringburn and Westport till it joins South Tay street; thence along the middle of South Tay street, and across the Nethergate and Southwards in a line with and along the West Wall of the Roman Catholic Chapel to the Southern Boundary of the Burgh.3 - (Registrar) Birth: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was the officiating registrar when the birth of Euphemia Dickson jute reeler was registered on 7 February 1891 at 80 Blackness Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1891 Births in the district of St Peter in the burgh of Dundee, ref 13, Euphemia Dickson (vaccinated as per certificate dated 28th August 1891 DFAF Regr) 1891 February 7th 11h 50m PM 80 Blackness Road Dundee, female, parents John Dickson, labourer (Jute Worker) and Eliza Jane Dickson ms McManus; married 1888 January 2nd, Dundee; informant signed John Dickson, father, present; registered 1891 February 19th at Dundee, Dav Young Assist Registrar, JM.19
- (Registrar) Marriage: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Charles Milne Miller and Betsy Low on Friday, 3 July 1891 at 12 Clarendon Terrace, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1891 marriages in the district of St Peter in the burgh of Dundee, ref 132; 1891 on the third day of July at 12 Clarendon Terrace Dundee after publication according to the forms of the U P Church; signed Charles M Miller hacklemaker bachelor aged 27 residing 166 Scouringburn Dundee, parents James Miller warehouseham (dec) and Janet Miller ms Mill; signed Betsey Low jute weaver spinster aged 24 residing 32 Main Street Dundee, parents Robert Low bookmaker (dec) and Janet Low ms Gray (dec); signed John Reid MA minister Tay Square Church Dundee, signed John White & Jessie Miller witnesses; registered 1891 July 7th at Dundee Dav Young assist registrar.20
- Address: As of 1892, James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter and 1st (1869 St Peter's) Registration District Dundee lived at 146 Perth Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
1st or St Peter's District—James Young, Registrar; Office, 146 Perth road.
2d or St Marys District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3d or St Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 16 Bank street.
4th, or St Andrew's District—James Murray, Registrar; Office, 16 King street.
5th, or Lochee District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 High
street, Lochee.
Office hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and from 6 to 7 p.m;
Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days;
Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations within 6 months—unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of
Births, Deaths, and Marriages those portions of the parish of Dundee and of comprehended within the boundaries of the united parishes of Liff the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow :—
The First, or St Peter's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the Boundary commencing at the point where the Parliamentary Boundary on the west terminates in the River Tay; thence along said boundary Northwards till it joins the Blackness road; thence along the middle of said road till it joins the Scouringburn thence along the middle of the Scouringburn and Westport till it joins South Tay street; thence along the middle of South Tay street, and across the Nethergate and Southwards in a line with and along the West Wall of the Roman Catholic Chapel to the Southern Boundary of the Burgh.3 - (Registrar) Marriage: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Elizabeth Archibald and Alexander Hodge Milne on Monday, 3 April 1893 at 2 C... Terrace, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1893 marriages in the district of St Peter in the burgh of Dundee, red 61, 1893 on the third day of April at 2 C... Terrace Dundee after banns according to th e forms of the UP Church, signed Alexr Hodge Milne overseer jute works widower, 54, 159 Scouringburn Dundee parents James Milne mill overseer (dec) and Marjory Milne ms Matthews (dec); signed Elizabeth her x mark Archibald domestic servant spinster, A R Waterston, J R Gibson witnesses, 51, 177 1/2 Scouringburn Dundee parents James Archibald ... (dec) and Catherine Archibald ms B... (dec); signed John Reid ... minister ... ... ... Dundee, signed Beatrice Gibson, James Gibson witnesses, registered 1893 April 4th at Dundee Dav Young asst registrar initialled JY [Jas Young registrar].21
- (Registrar) Birth: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was the officiating registrar when the birth of John Dickson confectioner & fruiterer was registered on 18 October 1893 at 4 Lowdens Allley, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1893 births in the district of St Peter in the burgh of Dundee, ref 730; John Dickson, 1893 October eighteenth 8h 15m am 4 Lowdens Alley Dundee; male; parents John Dickson calendar worker and Eliza Jane Dickson ms McManus, m 1888 January 2nd Dundee, informant Eliza Jane Dickson mother, registered 1893 October 31st at Dundee Dav Young assistant registrar initialed JY.22,23,24
- (Registrar) Marriage: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was the officiating registrar when the marriage of David McLagan and Johan Wheatley on Saturday, 9 June 1894 at 8 West... Place, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1894 marriages in the district of St Peter in the burgh of Dundee, ref 84; 1894 on the Ninth day of June at 8 West... Place Dundee after publication according to the forms of the Free Church; signed David McLagan, plumber journeyman widower, aged 28, 10 Bell Street Dundee parents George McLagan plumber (dec) and Matilda McLaggan ms Chalmers; signed Johan Wheatley or McKAy yarn winder widow, aged 26, 12 Park Lane Dunde, parenst Mesach Wheatley labourer and Maria Wheatley ms Anderson; signed Alex S Inch minister Willison Free Church Dundee, signed George S Wallace witness Elizabeth McLeish witness; registered 1894 June 13th at Dundee Dav Young assist registrar, initialled JY (John Young.)25
- (Registrar) Death: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was the officiating registrar when the death of Margaret Key servant was registered on 14 May 1895 at 52 Peddie Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1894 deaths in the district of St Peter in the burgh of Dundee, ref 226; Margaret Todd married to James Todd joiner journeyman, 1894 May fourteenth 6h 0m am 52 Peddie Street Dundee. female 47 years, parents William Key ploughman and Elizabeth Key ms Myres (dec), chronic bronchitis, diarrhoea 7 days as cert by R C Buist MBxx, signed James Todd widower present, registered 1894 May 14th at Dundee Dav Young assistant registrar.26
- (Registrar) Death: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was the officiating registrar when the death of Janet Milne was registered on 6 June 1896 at 2 Heans Lane, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1896 Deaths in the District of St Peter in the Burgh of Dundee; Janet Miller widow of James Miller, Cloth Stower; died 6 June 1896 9hr 30m am; 2 Heans Lane, Dundee; aged 72 years; Father James Milne, Cloth Stower (deceased); Mother Marjory Milne ms Mackie (deceased); Cause of death - Cancer of Stomach, 5 months; As cert by David MacEwan MD; Informant Jessie Miller, daughter & inmate (present); Registered 9th June 1896 at Dundee - D Young Assistant Registrar - initialled TYM.27
- (Registrar) Birth: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was the officiating registrar when the birth of Alexander Young Dickson jute mill oiler was registered on 25 May 1899 at 7 Bernard Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1899 births in the district of St Peter in the burgh of Dundee; ref 380; Alexander Young Dickson, 1899 May twenty fifth 3h 0m am 7 Bernard Street Dundee; m; John Dickson calendar worker Eliza Jane Dickson ms McManus m 1888 January 2nd Dundee; inf Eliza Dickson mother; reg 1899 June 6th at Dundee D Young assistant registrar initialled TYM (T Y Miller registrar.)28
- (Registrar) Death: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was the officiating registrar when the death of John Gray Calder was registered on 17 March 1906 at 21 Blackness Avenue, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1906 deaths in the district of St Peter in the burgh of Dundee, ref 131; John Gray Calder accountant married to 1st Agnes Junor MacKay 2nd Anna Just Small; died 1906 March Seventeenth 10h 45m am at 21 Blackness Avenue Dundee, male aged 62 years, parents John Calder mason (dec) and Jean Calder ms Ramsay (dec), cause of death apoplexy 2 years, bronchial catarrh as certified by Geo A Pirie MD; signed Agnes Kinnear Calder daughter and inmate present; registered 1906 March 19th at Dundee D Young assistant registrar initalled TYM (T Y Miller registrar.)29
- (Registrar) Death: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was the officiating registrar when the death of Euphemia Stewart Johnston was registered on 23 November 1906 at 19 Hean's Lane, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1906 deaths in the district of St Peter in the burgh of Dundee, ref 436; Euphemia Stewart Johnstone single illegitimate; 1906 November Twenty-third, 6h 40m am, 19 Hean's Lane Dundee; female aged 5 weeks; parents Euphemia Stewart Johnstone jute spinner; cause broncho pneumonia 7 days as certified by Charles Moon MD; informant Euphemia Johnstone mother present; registerd 1906 November 23rd at Dundee D Young registrar initialled T G M.30
- (Registrar) Death: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was the officiating registrar when the death of Agnes Barrie was registered on 2 September 1907 at 1 Small's Wynd, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1907 deaths in the district of St Peter in the burgh of Dundee; 319, Agnes Stewart widow of David Stewart police constable; 1907 September second 5h 53m pm 1 Small's Wynd Dundee, f, 76 years, John Barrie flaxdresser (dec) Margaret Barrie ms Hay (dec); Chronic bronchitis several years, heart failure 3 months as cert by G W Miller MB; Euphemia Johnston her + mark daughter 10 St Mary Street, D Young assist registrar witness; registered 1907 September 3rd at Dundee D Young assist registrar initialled TYM (T Y Miller registrar.)31
- (Registrar) Death: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was the officiating registrar when the death of Mary McLeod was registered on 8 August 1908 at 89 Peddie Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1908 deaths in the district of St Peter in the burgh of Dundee, ref 295; Mary Waterston married to David Waterston dock gateman, died 1908 August Eighth 8h 0m om at 89 Peddie Street Dundee; female aged 44 years, parents Daniel McLeod bootmaker (dec) and Allison MvLeod ms Grubb (dec); cause cerebral thrombosis 2 days, hemilpegia 2 days as certified by R C Mathers MB..; signed David Waterston widower; registerd 1908 August 10th at Dundee signed D Young assistant registrar, initialled TYM [T Y Miller registrar].32
- (Registrar) Death: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was the officiating registrar when the death of Agnes Miller Neill was registered on 20 November 1909 at 20 Union Place, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1909 deaths in the district of St Peter in the burgh of Dundee ref 395; Agnes Miller Neill single, 1909 November Twentieth 6h 40m pm 20 Union Place Dundee, female aged 7 months, parents Robert Neill watchmaker journeyman and Agnes Fisher Neill ms Miller, cause infantile asthenia [debility] 21 days duration as cert by R P Matthew MD, signed Robert Neill father, registered 1909 November 22nd at Dundee D Young assistant regsitrar initialed TYM (T Y Miller registrar.)33
- (Registrar) Birth: James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter was the officiating registrar when the birth of George Wheatley Paterson baker was registered on 15 January 1920 at 10 Marybank Lane, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1920 birth in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee, ref 52; George Wheatley Paterson, 1920 January fifteenth 5h 0m am 10 Marybank Lane Lochee, m, John Findlay Paterson baker journeyman, Nelly Paterson ms Summerton, 1904 December 29th Lochee, John Paterson father present, 1920 January 19th at Lochee D Young interim registrar.34
- (Witness) History: Dundee 3rd District Lochee
REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRIAGES.— lst or St Peter's District -David. Scott, Registrar Office 224 Perth Road. 2nd or St Mary's District—Alexander Leask, Registrar ; Office, Ward House, Ward Road. 3rd or St Clement District—James Kinnison, Registrar; Office, 51 Reform Street. 4th or St Andrew's District—James Scrymgeour, Registrar ; Office. 16 King Street. 5th or Lochee District—James Young, Registrar Office, 114 High Street, Lochee.
Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m; and from 6 to 8 p.m. Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days ; Deaths within 8 days ; Marriages within 3 days ; Vaccinations within Six Months, unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the Parish of Dundee and of the United Parishes of LifF and Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow :—
The First, or St Peter's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the boundary commencing at the point where the Parliamentary Boundary terminates in the River Tay ; thence along said boundarj' Northwards till it joins the Blackness Road; thence along the middle of said road till it joins the Scouringburn ; thence along the middle of the Scouringburn and West Port till it joins South Tay Street ; thence along the middle of South Tay Street, and across the Nethergate and Southwards in a line with, and along the West Wall of the Roman Catholic Chapel to the Southern Boundary of the Burgh.
Second, or St Mary's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the boundary, commencing at that point in the River where the Southern boundary of the First District terminates ; thence along said boundary Northwards to West Port; thence in a Westerly direction along the middle of the West Port, Scouringburn, and Blackness Road, as far as the road leading to Glenagnes Cottage ; thence along the middle of said road till it joins a road leading to Balgay Street ; thence along the middle of Balgay Street till it joins the Lochee Road thence in an easterly direction along the middle of said road to Union Place ; thence along the middle of the road at Union Place in a North-Westerly direction till it joins the Loons Road ; thence along the middle of that road in an Easterly direction till it joins the Old Newtyle Railway ; thence along said Railway to the Tunnel ; thence along the middle of the road leading from the Southern entrance of the Tunnel to the t6p of Constitution Road; thence along the middle of Constitution R'oad, Barrack Street, Tally Street, and Couttie's Wynd, across Dock Street till it joins West Dock Street ; thence along the middle of West Dock Street to the River.
Third, or St Clement's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the boundary commencing at that point in the Eiver where the Southern Boundary of the Second District terminates ; thence along that boundary Northwards along the Middle of West Dock Street, Couttie's Wynd, Tally Street, Barrack Street, and Constitution Koad to the Tunnel ; thence in a line Northwards till it joins the Northern Boundary of the Burgh ; thence along said Boundary Eastwards as far as the Mains Koad; thence in a Southerly direction along the middle of the Mains Road, Hilltown, and Wellgate; thence East along the middle of the Cowgate to St
Andrews Street ; thence along the middle of St Andrews Street, Trades Lane, and the Road on the East side of the Custom House till it reaches the Shipbuilding Yards ; thence along the middle of the road on the South side of Victoria Dock till it joins a road leading along the East side of the Patent Slip Buildings ; thence along the
middle of said road to the River.
Fourth, or St Andrew's District, to include that portion of the Burgh comprehended within the Eastern Boundary of St Clement's District and the Eastern Boundary of the Burgh. Fifth, or Lochee District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh, commencing at the point in the Blackness Road where the Western boundary of the First District terminates; thence along the middle of Blackness Road, the road leading past Glenagnes Cottage, Balgay Street, Lochee Road to Union Place ; thence along the middle of Union Place and Loons Road to the Old Newtyle Railway ; thence along the middle of said Railway to the Northern Boundary of the Burgh ; thence along that Boundary Westwards and Southwards, to the point in the Blackness Road before mentioned.35 - (Witness) History: Dundee 1st District St Peter
1st or St Peter's District— James Young, Eegistrar. Office, 224 Perth Eoad.
2c? or St Mary's District—James Anderson, Eegistrar ; Office, Ward House, Ward Eoad.
3d or St Clement's District—David Scott, Eegistrar ; Office, 51 Eeform Street.
4th or St Andrew's District—Finlay Macdiarmid, Eegistrar ; Office, 16 King Street.
5th or Lochee District—David Neish, Eegistrar; Office, 114 High Street, Lochee.
Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m; and from 6 to 8 p.m. Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Eegistrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days ; Deaths within 8 days ; Marriages within 3 days ; Vaccinations ithin 6 months, unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the Parish of Dundee and of the United Parishes of Liff and Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow :—
The First, or St Peter's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the boundary commencing at the point where the Parliamentary Boundary terminates in the River Tay ; thence along said boundary Northwards till it joins the Blackness Road ; thence along the middle of said road till it joins the Scouringburn ; thence along the middle of the Scouringburn and West Port till it joins South Tay Street ; thence along the middle of South Tay Street, and across the Nethergate and Southwards in a line with, and along the West Wall of the Roman Catholic Chapel to the Southern Boundary of the Burgh.
Second, or St Mary's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the boundary, commencing at that point in the River where the Southern boundary of the First District terminates ; thence along said boundary Northwards to West Port ; thence in a Westerly direction along the middle of the West Port, Scouringburn, and Blackness Road, as far as the road leading to Glenagnes Cottage ; thence along the middle of said road till it "'I joins a road leading to Balgay Street; thence along the middle of Balgay Street till it joins the Lochee Road ; thence in an Easterly direction along the middle of said road to Union Place ; thence along the middle of the road at Union Place in a North- Westerly direction till it joins the Loons Road ; thence along the middle of that road in an Easterly direction till it joins the Old Newtyle Railway ; thence along said Railway to the Tunnel; thence along the middle of the road leading from the Southern entrance of the Tunnel to the top of Constitution Road; thence along the middle of Constitution Road, Barrack Street, Tally Street, and Couttie's Wynd, across Dock Street till it joins West Dock Street ; thence along the middle of West Dock Street to the River.
Third, or St Clement's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the boundary commencing at that point in the River where the Southern Boundary of the Second District terminates; thence along that boundary Northwards along the Middle of West Dock Street, Couttie's Wynd, Tally Street, Barrack Street, and Constitution Road to the Tunnel ; thence in a line Northwards till it joins the Northern Boundary of the Burgh; thence along said Boundary Eastwards as far as the Mains Road; thence in a Southerly direction along the middle of the Mains Road, Hilltown, and Wellgate ; thence East along the middle of the Cowgate to St Andrew's Street ; thence along the middle of St Andrew's Street, Trades Lane, and the Road on the East side of the Custom House till it reaches the Shipbuilding Yards ; thence along the middle of the road on the South side of Victoria Dock till it joins a road leading along the East side of the Patent Slip Buildings ; thence along the middle of said road to the River.
Fourth, or St Andrew's District, to include that portion of the Burgh comprehended within the Eastern Boundary of St Clement's District and the Eastern Boundary of the Burgh.
Fifth, or Lochee District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh, commencing at the point in the Blackness Road where the Western boundary of the First District terminates; thence along the middle of Blackness Road, the road leading past Glenagnes Cottage, Balgay Street, Lochee Road to Union Place ; thence along the middle of Union Place and Loons Road to the Old Newtyle Railway ; thence along the middle of said Railway to the Northern Boundary of the Burgh ; thence along that Boundary Westwards and Southwards, to the point in the Blackness Road before mentioned. - (Witness) History: Dundee 1st District St Peter
—1st or St Peter's District—James Young, Eegistrar; Office, 138 Perth road.
2d or St Mary's District—James Anderson, Eegistrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3d or St Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 51 Reform street.
4th or St Andrew's District— Finlay Macdiarmid, Eegistrar ; Office, 16 King street.
5th or Lochee District—David Neish, Eegistrar; Office, 114 High street, Lochee.
Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and from 6 to 8 p.m; Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days; Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations within 6 months, unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
Registration Districts.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the Parish of Dundee and of
the United Parishes of Liff and Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries MUNICIPAL LISTS. 23 of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow :—
The First, or St Peter's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the Boundary commencing at the point where the Parliamentary Boundary terminates in the Eiver Tay ; thence along said boundary Northwards till it joins the Blackness road ; thence along the middle of said road till it joins the Scouringburn; thence along the middle of the Scouringburn and "West port till it joins South Tay street; thence along the middle of South Tay street, and across the Nethergate and Southwards in a line with, and along the West Wall of the Koman Catholic Chapel to the Southern Boundary of the^ Burgh.
Second, or St Mary's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the boundary, commencing at that point in the Kiver where the Southern boundary of the First District terminates; thence along said boundary Northwards to West port, thence in a Westerly direction along the middle of the West port, Scouringburn, and Blackness road, as far as the road leading to Glenagnes cottage ; thence along the middle of said road till itjoins a road leading to Balgay street ; thence along the middle of Balgay street till it joins the Lochee road; thence in an Easterly direction along the middle of said road to Union place ; thence along the middle of the road at Union place in a North-Westerly direction till it joins the Loons road ; thence along the middle of that road in an Easterly direction till it joins the Old Newtyle Railway ; thence along said Railway to the Tunnel ; thence along the middle of the road leading from the Southern entrance of the Tunnel to the top of Constitution road ; thence along the middle of Constitution road, Barrack street, Tally street, and Couttie's wynd, across Dock street till it joins West Dock street ; thence along the middle of West Dock street to the River.
Third, or St Clement's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the boundary commencing at that point in the Eiver where the Southern Boundary of the Second District terminates; thence along that boundary Northwards along the middle of West Dock street, Couttie's wynd, Tally street, Barrack street, and Constitution road to the Tunnel; thence in a line Northwards till it joins the Northern Boundary of the Burgh ; thence along said boundarj' Eastwards as far as the Mains road; thence in a Southerly direction along the middle of the Mains road, Hilltown, and Wellgate ; thence East along the middle of the Cowgate to St Andrew's street ; thence along the middle of St Andrew's street. Trades lane, and the Road on the East side of the Custom House till it reaches the Shipbuilding Yards ; thence along the middle of the road on the South side of Victoria Dock till it joins a road leading along the East side of the Patent Slip buildings ; thence along the middle of said road to the River.
Fourth, or St Andrew's District, to include that portion of the Burgh comprehended within the Eastern Boundary of St Clement's District and the Eastern Boundary of the Burgh. Fifth, or Lochee District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh, commencing at the point in the Blackness road where the Western Boundary of the First District terminates ; thence along the middle of Blackness road, the road leading past Glenagnes cottage, Balgay street, Lochee road to Union place; thence along the middle of Union place and Loons road to the Old Newtyle Railway ; thence along the middle of said Railway to the Northern Boundary of the Burgh ; thence along that Boundary Westwards and Southwards, to the point in the Blackness road before mentioned.35 - (Witness) History: Dundee 1st District St Peter
St Peter's District—James Young, Registrar ; Office, 146 Perth road. 2d or
St Mary's Distinct—James Anderson, Registrar ; Office, 11 Ward road. 3d
or St Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar ; Office, 16 Bank street.
ith or St Andrew's District—Finlay Macdiarmid, Registrar ; Office, 16 King
street. 5tfi or Lochee District—John Robertson, Registrar ; Office, 62 High
street, Lochee. Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and from 6 to 7 p.m;
Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days ;
Deaths within 8 days ; Marriages within 3 days ; Vaccinations within 6
; unless certificate of postj)onement be granted by a qualified Medical
Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the
marriage of the parents.
Registration Districts.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of
Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the parish of Dundee and of
the united parishes of Liff and Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries of
the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow :—The First, or
St Peter's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within
the Boundarycommencing at the point where the ParliamentaryBoundary on the
west terminates in the River Tay ; thence along said boundary Northwards till it
joins the Blackness road ; thence along the middle of said road till it joins the
Scouringburn; thence along the middle of the Scouringbui-n and Westport till
it joins South Tay street ; thence along the middle of South Tay street, and
across the Nethergate and Southwards in a line with and along the West Wall
of the Roman Catholic Chapel to the Southern Boundary of the Burgh.
Second, or St Mary's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the
Burgh within the Boundary, commencing at that point in the River where the
Southern boundary of the First District terminates; thence along said boundary
Northwards to Westport, thence in a Westerly direction along the middle of
the Westport, Scouringburn, and Blackness road, as far as the road leading to
Glenagnes cottage ; thence along the middle of said road till it joins a road
leading to Balgay street ; thence along the middle of Balgay street till it joins
the Lochee road; thence in an Easterly direction along the middle of said road
to Union place; thence along the middle of the road at Union place in a Northwesterly direction till it joins the Loons road; thence along the middle of that
road in an Easterly direction till it joins the Old Newtyle Railway ; thence
along said Railway to the Tunnel; thence along the middle of the road leading
from the Southern entrance of the Tunnel to the top of Constitution road
thence along the middle of Constitution road, Barrack street, Tally street, and
Couttie's wynd, across Dock street till it joins West Dock street; thence along
the middle of West Dock street to the Kiver. Third, or St Clement's District,
to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the boundary
commencing at that point in the River where the Southern Boundary of the
Second District terminates ; thence along that boundary Northwards along the
middle of West Dock street, Couttie's wynd. Tally street, Barrack street, and
Constitution road to the Tunnel ; thence in a line Northwards till it joins the
Northern Boundary of the Burgh ; thence along said boundary Eastwards as
far as the Mains road
; thence in a Southerly direction along the middle of the
Mains road, Hilltown, and Wellgate ; thence East along the middle of the
Cowgate to St Andrew's street ; thence along the middle of St Andrew's
street. Trades lane, and the Road on the East side of the Customhouse till it
reaches the Shipbuilding Yards ; thence along the middle of the road on the
South side of Victoria Dock till it joins a road leading along the East side of
the Patent Slip buildings ; thence along the middle of said road to the River.
Fourth, or St Andrew's District, to include that portion of the Burgh comprehended within the Eastern Boundary of St Clement's District and the
Eastern Boundary of the Burgh. Fifth, or Lochee District, to comprehend
and include that portion of the Burgh, commencing at the point in the Blackness road where the Western Boundary of the First District terminates ; thence
. along the middle of Blackness road, the road leading past Glenagnes cottage,
Balgay street, Lochee road to Union jilace ; thence along the middle of Union
place and Loons road to the Old Newtyle Railway ; thence along the middle
of said Railway to the Northern Boundary of the Burgh ; thence along that
Boundary Westwards and Southwards, to the point in the Blackness road
before mentioned.35 - [S1] International Genealogical Index (IGI) (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA: International Genealogical Index), T000008.
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), image held; GROS statutory births 282/00 0161; [from CPT Jun 2009] RCE: no details held.
- [S37] Directory Dundee (Dundee:, digital collection PCC. Hereinafter cited as Dundee Directory.
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS stautory marriages 1870 St Peter Dundee, #4 [Jun 2004].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS statutory deaths 1871 St Peter, Dundee #279 [Jun 2004].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory deaths 1871 St Peter Dundee, #348 [Jun 2004].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory marriages 282/01 0066 [Mar 2011].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS 1873 deaths in the district of St Peter in the burgh of Dundee [June 2006].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Marriages 1874 Dundee St Peter ref 54 [Nov 2006].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, 1875 Marriages in the District of St Peter in the Burgh of Dundee, #208.
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Deaths 1877 Dundee St Peter 282/01 0180 [April 2014].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Marriage 1877 Dundee St Peter 282/01 0093 [April 2014].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory birth 1878 Dundee St Peter ref 282/1 604, image held [Oct 2020].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Birth 1881 Dundee St Peter ref 282/01 0174 image held [Sep 2016].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Marriage 1883 Dundee 282/01 0025 [Nov 2010].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Deaths 1884 St Peter Dundee, ref 282/01 0010; image held from ES-N [Oct 2007].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory births St peter Dundee 1884 ref 930 [Jul 2004].
- [S11] DCC Registry Office: Dundee Registrars Office [March 2002], Dundee City Council Registrar, Commercial Street, Dundee, Angus, Scotland. Hereinafter cited as DCC Registry Office.
- [S11] DCC Registry Office: Statutory Births 1891 Dundee St Peter ref 13 [Mar 2002].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory marriages 1891 St Peter Dundee ref 0132 image held [June 2004].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Marriage 1893 Dundee St Peter 282/01 0061 [March 2014].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory births 282/01 0730 [Jul 2011].
- [S40] From DMcL [Mar 2010].
- [S17] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GRO ref 282-2 Enum Dist 9 page 46.
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory marriages 282/01 0084 [May 2011].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory death 1894 St Peter Dundee ref 282/01 0226 [Nov 2011].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, 1896 282/1 St Peter 244.
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, image held statutory births 282/01 0380; [Feb 2008].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory deaths 282/01 0131 [Jul 2012].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory deaths 282/01 0436 [Apr 2011].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, 1907 statutory deaths 282/01 0319 Dundee [Feb 2008].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death 1908 Dundee St Peter ref 282/01 0295 image held [Sep 2016].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death 1909 Dundee St Peter 282/01 0395 [Mar 2014].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS 282/04 0052 [Sept 2009].
- [S37] Dundee Directory, Dundee Directories Collection [Aug 2018].
James Young registrar Lochee & Dundee 1st St Peter
M, #7513
Last Edited: 19 Feb 2023